Anxious Creations combines creativity and mental health at local markets along Nova Scotia’s South Shore

July 19, 2024

Vicky Lamb is the maker behind Anxious Creations, a small business selling handmade jewelry and knitwear at markets along the South Shore of Nova Scotia. Her own experience with anxiety and depression motivates her to donate 10% of sales each month to the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia.

“In 2016, my symptoms really started to heighten. I took a three month leave of absence from work. At that point, it was hard for me to do a lot of things. I couldn’t really go out or be around other people. But I needed to do something, so I started making earrings.”
— Vicky Lamb, Anxious Creations

Soon after, Vicky realized her hobby was helping her cope with symptoms. Between her newfound creative outlet and psychotherapy, Vicky set out on her journey of recovery, returned to work, and continued to make jewelry in her spare time.

Now she uses her presence at local markets to connect with other people struggling with their own mental health. She says she’s often approached because of the name of her business, and that prompts conversations about shared experiences — something she feels is important to help fight stigma.

“I’m always open to talking to people,” she says. “I know how it feels, I know what those struggles are like. I want people to know they’re never alone and it’s important to reach out for help.”

Vicky chooses to support the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia because of the wide range of mental health supports, services, and education opportunities we fund across the province.

“I remember as a child experiencing anxiety, [talk] therapy seemed to be the only way to get help,” says Vicky. “But there are more options, like art therapy and music therapy. I realized donating to the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia would support those other ways too and help a greater amount of people.”

Follow Anxious Creations on Instagram and Facebook to find Vicky at weekend markets all summer long.

Community fundraisers are an important source of donations for the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia. They generate crucial financial support and raise awareness of our purpose: to improve the mental wellness of Nova Scotians by granting funds to community-based mental health and addictions organizations and initiatives.

Community fundraisers are third-party events or retail efforts organized by individuals and businesses who aren’t affiliated with the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia but share our vision of seeing all Nova Scotians thriving in their communities.

Learn more about organizing a community fundraiser in support of mental wellness for Nova Scotians.