Social Media Policy

Visitors to the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia social media channels are permitted to share, post, comment, like, and flag content posted in accordance with these terms and conditions and the applicable third-party platform (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn) terms and conditions.

Comments and posts should be relevant to mental health and addiction and/or other content posted on @mentalhealthns social media channels. Visitors are encouraged to stay on topic in each thread and respect others who interact with @mentalhealthns on social media.

The Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia encourages questions, comments, and concerns; however, @mentalhealthns social media accounts are moderated and not public forums. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly via phone or email at 902-464-6000 or

Once posted, the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia reserves the right to delete submissions that contain:

  • vulgar language;

  • stigmatizing language;

  • personal/corporate attacks of any kind;

  • harassment

  • suicide or self-injury

  • false information

  • hate speech or terrorism

  • nudity

  • violence

  • offensive comments that target or disparage.

Further, the Mental Health Foundation of Nov Scotia also reserves the right to delete comments that are:

  • spam or include links to other sites;

  • clearly off-topic;

  • advocate illegal activity;

  • promote services, products, or political organizations;

  • infringe on copyrights or trademarks;

  • include personally identifiable information.

The Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia reserves the right to monitor, block, delete or discontinue users’ access to any of the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia social media accounts, at any time, without notice and for any reason and in our sole discretion.

By posting content on any of the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia social media channels, users grant the Foundation the irrevocable right to reproduce, distribute, publish and display such content and the right to create derivative works from posted content, edit or modify such content and use such content for any Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia purpose.

To remain in compliance, users are invited to review this policy at regular intervals. By continuing to use after such new terms are posted, you accept and agree to all such modifications to this policy.

Please note that the comments expressed on the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia social media channels do not reflect the Foundation. If you have any questions concerning the operation of @mentalhealthns social media channels, please contact